

Big Creek Cemetery is owned by Big Creek Baptist Church. The sale of cemetery lots is handled by the deacons of Big Creek Baptist Church and/or Directors of Big Creek Cemetery of Thomas County, Inc. The church passed a motion that it would donate all monies received from sale of lots to the cemetery fund.

In 1996, the church approved separating the cemetery funds and care of the cemetery into an incorporation that would be responsible for future care of the cemetery, As an incorporation, all of the cemetery funds are kept separate from the church and can only be used for the cemetery.

A fee of $200 shall be collected by the funeral home in charge of digging a grave site at time of burial. The fee shall be made payable to Big Creek Cemetery of Thomas County, Inc. and shall be sent to the treasurer. This fee shall be used for the perpetual care of Big Creek Cemetery of Thomas County, Inc.

Tax free contributions may be made by families and friends for the mowing, upkeep, and maintenance of the cemetery. There are several ways to contribute, including:

A. Dedicating your time and labor.
B. Contributing as a memorial for a recent deceased (in lieu of flowers, as an example) in memory of some family member (s) that has passed on.
C. Weekly, monthly or annual contributions.
D. Remembering the cemetery in your will.

Big Creek Cemetery of Thomas County, Inc. operates under EIN Number 58-2424893.

Contributions are not restricted to cash. You can contribute or will stocks, bonds, CD’s, Treasury Bill or other properties such as real estate, cars, trucks, etc. See your accountant for tax deductions and estate planning.

The Board Members are asking for your help in making sure that future care of the cemetery is provided for. Any donation you make goes strictly for the cemetery fund and will not be for any other purpose. By your donation, you will help to ensure the longevity of the cemetery in the future.

If you desire to give a donation by check, please make the check payable to:

Big Creek Cemetery of Thomas County, Inc. C/0
Steve Strickland
20048 US Hwy 319 N
Coolidge, GA 31738
Phone: 229-22 I -3291

Big Creek Cemetery of Thomas County. Inc. Board of Directors:

President- Roger P. Strickland
120 Lady Bug Lane Ochlocknee, GA 31773
Phone: 229-683-3816

Vice Pres. -Ray Pierce
P. 0. Box 145
Coolidge, GA 31738
Phone: 229-346-3175

Treasurer – Steve Strickland
20048 US Hwy 319 N
Coolidge GA 31738
Phone: 229-221-3291

Board Members:

Secretary- Shirley NeSmith
7555 Hall Rd.
Coolidge, GA 31738
Phone: 229-226-5389

Jeanne NeSmith
54 Rocky Ford Rd
Coolidge, GA 31758
Phone: 229-346-3433


Roger P. Strickland
120 Lady Bug Lane
Ochlocknee, GA 3 1773
Phone: 229-683-3816

Ray Pierce
P. O. Box 145
Coolidge, GA 31738
Phone: 229-346-3 175

C. D. NeSmith
7600 Hall Rd.
Coolidge, GA 3 I 738
Phone: 229-228-0031

Note: Deacons and/or Directors of Big Creek Cemetery of Thomas County, Inc. are in charge of sale of cemetery plots ..